
Adam Greenberg

Travel Blogger

1. Mouthwatering Food

I love to eat, and trying local food around the world is one of my driving forces for traveling for traveling. From Acaraje and Feijoada in Brazil to Walrus and Seal in Alaska, I detail foods, good and bad, worldwide.

2. Breathtaking Views

Traveling the world takes you to places so beautiful you won't believe your eyes. From the salt flats of Bolivia to the west fjords of Iceland, I take you around the world and tell you how to do it yourself.

3. Unforgettable Experiences

Travel is about lifelong memories—whether planned, like Brazil’s Carnival, or unexpected, like Amsterdam’s Pride. Here are unforgettable events I attended and how you can experience them too.

Why travel?

Traveling the world provides me with the opportunity to grow as a person and learn more from people with different backgrounds. Whether that is new foods, dances, sights, or drinks, no matter where we are from, everyone has something to share, and I want to learn.


Adam Greenberg

Hi I’m Adam or Gu and I have spent the last 4 years volunteering, working and exploring the world primarily South America. I love to meet new people and try to do something new everyday. 

Currently in Taiwan eating everything in sight, trying to reach the top of Mountains and dancing my ass off. 

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